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Live from IPCPR Saturday, July 19, 2014

Live from IPCPR "The International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association" show, Las Vegas

Promoting new product in new packaging
Meet us at IPCPR Annual Convention & Trade Show, July 19-23, Las Vegas, Nevada Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Meet us at IPCPR Annual Convention & Trade Show, July 19-23, Las Vegas, Nevada

Meet us at IPCPR Annual Convention & Trade Show, July 19-23, Sands Expo Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
Elda at the World Vapor Expo in Miami, Florida Friday, June 27, 2014

Elda at the World Vapor Expo in Miami, Florida

A representative of company Elda Ltd. for US market visit the largest American Fair: World Vapor Expo in Miami, Florida.
At the fair, with advertisement in VAPE magazin, they shared to visitors samples of new innovative packaging, mini ampoules for filling e-cigarettes.
Elda Ltd. was the sponsor of the eCig Europe conference in Nice Friday, June 20, 2014

Elda Ltd. was the sponsor of the eCig Europe conference in Nice

Elda Ltd. was the sponsor of the eCig Europe conference in Nice, France. We had a presentation and exhibited our new products, innovative mini ampoules with e-liquid.
Meet Us at the eCig Europe Industry Conference - Nice - 16-18 June, 2014 Monday, June 16, 2014

Meet Us at the eCig Europe Industry Conference - Nice - 16-18 June, 2014

The world of e-liquid, in more than 70 countries!
„LILY“ – perfect fashion accessory Tuesday, June 3, 2014

„LILY“ – perfect fashion accessory

Beautiful Miss Croatia has a perfect fashion accessory, e-cigarette with swarovski crystals "Lily", you can order it on:

Zrinskih 62, 35400 Nova Gradiška, Croatia, Europe
tel.: +385 (0)35/361-361
fax: +385 (0)35/362-362


Ulaganje u budućnost! Europska unija

Izradu internetske stranice sufinancirala je Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj i Republika Hrvatska u sklopu projekta
"Uvođenje nove tehnologije za proizvodnju e-tekućina za elektronske cigarete"
Sadržaj na ovoj internet stranici isključiva je odgovornost Elda d.o.o.

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